Here's a wonderful site
Challenging, interesting, thrilling. Wish I'd known of it sooner. It's as if I've been drinking toilet water when I could have had champagne.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Arts & Letters Daily
Posted by Former
6:53 PM
Defamer: deleted
Social commentary by people who can't compose language? Vapid prattle.
If what's published doesn't merit a spelling or grammar check by the author, why would I bother to read it?
A staff writer/videographer who cannot compose a shot, set an audio level or, while covering the writer's strike, recognize a writer of considerable cultural significance does not merit naming. One could speculate on whom she preformed sex in order to get the job. But one would have to care.
May the next sounds we hear be percussive ones, as your advertisers take their leave.
Posted by Former
8:18 AM
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
The Dumbing of America
Susan Jacoby's article in the Washington Post is linked here. It's a well-researched accounting of facts and numbers illustrating the relationship between Americans and their media in recent history.
She quotes Ralph Waldo Emerson: "The mind of this country, taught to aim at low objects, eats upon itself."
Is our national dullness driving the media, or are we a product of the media pablum we've been fed?
Image credit:
Posted by Former
6:13 AM