Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My teaching Trinity: Mr Todd Rundgren

I love this artist. He's got that great Spirit of Play. I've been watching the old NewTek video Todd himself made for his song,"Change Myself" also on YouTube. Nothing leads him astray from his work, not even the appearance of this world not listening to him. "Change Myself" is beautiful. Let him sing it to you. It's perfect and good, of course ...

Back when it seemed everyone loved Bush except for the Dixie Chicks, Todd was screaming "Liar!" on his album of the same name. Along with "Mammon" "...Your God is Mammon! Your God is Dead!" -it's some of his most passionate work, an anguished cry at the state of the world- yet the album's cover is a snapshot of a pajama-clad Todd at a home Easter Egg hunt.

Whomever produced and assembled this TV clip, above, mockingly took some of the lighter moments from "Something to Fall Back On" yet Todd still shines out from its crown of thorns.Typical of the bodhisattva.

The other two corners of my personal holy Trinity- Mr Rogers and Sam Kinison- don't walk the earth as mortals any longer. It's tempting to think by not living in this grayed present day of lies and treason, they had it easier. But both were disparaged in their time- Mr Rogers was ridiculed as being effeminate if not gay, and his very teachings were mocked. Sam played so far past the field it takes a lot of looking to see that he was reflecting our unawakened state back to us- and further, not as a punishment, but as an invitation to change.

The Bodhisattva- at home in their enlightenment, stretching their hand backwards to us.

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