Saturday, January 12, 2008


Put this on your calendar for Saturday the 26th:



Friday, January 11, 2008

Improv Everywhere- PDX No Pants 2k8 on Saturday

Looking at the Improv Everywhere website

The most interesting thing here is the Comments following the performances are delighted and wistful, begging the "group" to "come" perform in their city. What never occurrs to the majority of the posters is they are the group. They only need to activate themselves.
Maybe that's changed of late, with the groups forming to create this work. No Pants.
Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if Portland invented this urban performance art to begin with.
Keep Portland Weird!


Thursday, January 10, 2008

Neighborhood Art Gallery



Sunday, January 6, 2008

Bad Date

I've identified the hardest part of a bad date...

It's the moment that I realize I'm not going to get to hear the rest of the person's story. Their life will go on, but I won't know what will happen. What about the job? What about the person their heart called out to, who didn't answer? How did the project turn out? I'm invested in these stories, but there's no room for me to remain. And we both know it as I buy my own Voodoo Doughut: 99 cents you don't want to spend. An honest and clean hurt; the date invitation withdrawn and morphed into "hanging out." It's OK.

There's the unloved and lonely walk home in the cold night at the small-numbered hour, as it starts to rain just like in the movies.
Turns out it's harder than it looks to be in a movie.